Montclair Climate Action

Global Day for Climate Justice

Rally for Climate Action and Climate Justice

Join us on Saturday, November 6th as we rally for climate action and climate justice! As world leaders meet in Glasgow, Scotland, and national leaders debate climate policy in Washington, DC, we’ll meet to demand our leaders take action to address the climate crisis.

The rally will take place in the Wellmont Arts Plaza (off Bloomfield Avenue, in front of the Wellmont Theater) on Saturday, November 6 from 10:30 am to noon. Let’s make our voices heard, from the COP26 climate conference in Scotland to our state capital in Trenton, demanding climate action and a more just and sustainable society. Join us for speakers, music, activities for kids and more!

For more information, see our Facebook event page.

Sponsored by Montclair Climate Action, Blue Wave NJ, Clean Water Action, the New Jersey Student Sustainability Coalition, the League of Women Voters Montclair, the Northeast Earth Coalition, Sierra Club Gateway Group, Sunrise Montclair, and 350 NJ-R.